

GCSAA knows your lives and businesses are being affected by the global COVID-19 Pandemic. While there is no lack of general information about the virus and its widespread impact, we wanted to provide you with resources specific to golf and business operations to assist you in this challenging time. Plus, keep up with GCSAA's latest updates concerning the pandemic.


The spread of COVID-19 is having a tremendous impact on golf courses across the country. Courses are taking unique approaches to course setup and presentation to minimize the risk of spreading the virus, operating with limited staff, and facing resource impacts that are likely to get worse. The USGA Green Section would like to help all golf facilities manage the agronomic, labor and budgetary challenges caused by the virus. In addition to encouraging course superintendents, managers and owners to utilize the content on this resource page, we invite you to contact one of our USGA regional agronomists. They can offer customized advice and guidance for your course as we navigate these uncharted waters together.


Section staff is working to create a dedicated web page to provide up to the minute information on COVID-19 government guidelines, best practices, and important information on the ever-changing COVID-19 situation.


According to Executive Order: 2020-12 signed on March 23, 2020 entitled Prohibiting The Closure Of Essential Services, Governor Ducey declared under Section E. Essential Businesses and Operations, Subsection III. Outdoor recreation activities, that golf courses could remain open if restrictions on food and beverage service under Exectutive Order 2020-09 are followed.


Dear Cactus & Pine Member, In light of the emergence and growing concerns both nationally and locally about the spread of COVID-19, the Cactus & Pine GCSA had made the decision to...


This webpage provides information for workers and employers about the evolving coronavirus outbreak first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The information includes links to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus—now officially named COVID-19.


Click below to visit the COVID-19 webpage for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.


4700 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 108
Phoenix, AZ 85018, US

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The Arizona affiliated chapter of the
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America

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